Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cali Trip!!!

Ok the girls and I decided to take a road trip a few weeks ago! We just loaded up the car and drove to Yuba City. At about 7pm we decided to start our trip at midnight and drive straight through. I love road trips! The girls did great! Maliya slept almost the whole time. Kalaya had to eat of course but did great other wise! We had a blast visiting everyone and Jason especially! Here are some pic's from our trip. Oh and the last picture is of my new hair cut! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election time

Well it's election time again in the good old US of A. Where our country will be in 1, 2, or 10 years will be decided tomorrow. That can be a scary thought looking in the world today. Where does your faith lay? It is in the sovereignty of an Almighy God or in the local paper and news article? In the Creator of the world or in the next president? In your back pocket or in the Savior of the world. I know where mine is and I am not at all apprehensive. Aware yes! Conscious yes! But I know who's hand I am resting in. I know where my hope, peace and security comes from. From the Lord God Almighty! Jehovah Jireh! Jehovah Nissi! My friends pray for our country, our president (new and old) our leaders new matter who they are, because all authority is appointed by God and our responsibility is to lift them up. Wether we personally like or dislike them. I urge you to lift them up in this time. Because friends our time is getting short. So be about the Fathers business!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Newborn Pic's

Here are some newborn pictures! I love my family!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kalaya Jade Pappoe

The baby is here!!! She is a beautiful baby girl born on July 21st at 4:39am. She was 9lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. Big sister absolutely loves her! Sorry it took so long I am finally getting into the swing of having two little ones! The labor and delivery went great! 4 hours and 9 minutes total. 3 pushes and we had her. No tearing!!! Thank you Lord! Maliya didn't watch but got up right after. Did I mention we had her at home...? We got some new born pic's done but are still waiting for the cd with them on it! We are all very happy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Maternity Pictures

Ok it's been awhile and I'm not so great at this still so here goes. I just got my maternity pictures back from my friend Patti. She is starting a photography studio and needed a model for some marketing and decor for her studio so I got free pic's! Woohoo! I am doing great, about to pop! I am into my 37th week and had Maliya in my 38th so any day now. I am ready and getting so excited! Maliya is doing great! Potty training right now. My goal is to have only one in diapers at a time. We will see! (Lord, help me) James is awesome! Working alot, which is good and bad. I miss him but it's only a season! We are also planning a festival fro summer of 2010. That seems like so far away, but you really do have to start planning this far in advance. I took alot of pictures between posts but have misplaced my camera cord to up-load to my computer so I have not been able to put any up. I have some great ones from Mother's Day. Maliya looked adorable! Well not much else going on. I will try to get someone to post for me after I have this baby, at least to let you all know what it is! :) Ok I will write soon!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

25 weeks!!!

Ok I am now 25 weeks! Over half way done. This new little one is due July 20th. We are so excited!!! We are again waiting until it is born to find out if it's a boy or a girl. We still like the name Malachi James for a boy and are completly open for suggestions for a girls name. I like the name Kalaya but we don't have a middle name and we arn't sold on it 100 % yet. Maliya touches my tummy every time she see's it and pats it saying "baby". She is so cute! She will be a great bis sister! We finally had some dry days and got to take Maliya to the park. She loved it! Dad took her down the slide over and over again! He barely fit though! ;) It was the first time she has been able to play outside since she started walking. She LOVES the out doors. She is amazing! Well not much more to talk about. I will write again soon! (Aiden, Maliya and Danny. Our Uh-Oh Oreo)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Maliya's first birthday!!!!!!!

We have a blog!!!!

Well hello!!!
We finally have a blog page! So I guess time to up-date. Maliya just turned One on January 23rd. She is walking, talking and getting into everything. I love it! James is working security during the graveyard shift at the hospital. He is also is working with Luis Palau's Next Generation Allience. Speaking at conferences, doing his feats of strength, and evangelizing. He is loving it!. I am a ful-time mom, and almost 17 weeks pregnant with our second bundle of joy. Again we are not finding out the gender...so the suspense is building! :) Well I guess that is enough for now!!!