Monday, April 13, 2009

Way too long!

Hello everyone!

So much has happened since I blogged last. The biggest thing is that we moved! In Feb we packed up and moved to Yuba City, CA. James transfered to Sacramento and is doing great. The girls love it here. Maliya of course doesn't realize how far away we are from our family. She keeps asking to go to Mammie's and well we can't just pack up and go :(. We have ben home 2 months already. Once for a funeral of a friend and once for my newest nephew Lexington Samuel Law was born April 4th, 2009 at 9:22pm. He was 9lbs 10oz and 22inches long. It was great! Easter was wonderful! We spent lunch time with Shelly and her family. James was working, then we went to the Handy's ranch for some fun in the sun, horses and friends. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming! Thank you all for making us feel welcome. Here are a few pictures of the girls in there Easter dresses!