Monday, November 3, 2008

Election time

Well it's election time again in the good old US of A. Where our country will be in 1, 2, or 10 years will be decided tomorrow. That can be a scary thought looking in the world today. Where does your faith lay? It is in the sovereignty of an Almighy God or in the local paper and news article? In the Creator of the world or in the next president? In your back pocket or in the Savior of the world. I know where mine is and I am not at all apprehensive. Aware yes! Conscious yes! But I know who's hand I am resting in. I know where my hope, peace and security comes from. From the Lord God Almighty! Jehovah Jireh! Jehovah Nissi! My friends pray for our country, our president (new and old) our leaders new matter who they are, because all authority is appointed by God and our responsibility is to lift them up. Wether we personally like or dislike them. I urge you to lift them up in this time. Because friends our time is getting short. So be about the Fathers business!

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